Welcome everyone to our brand-new half-term newsletter which will be packed with all the wonderful, creative and enjoyable experiences the children in Purple, Lavender and Lilac Class have been taking part in this half-term.
Autumn 1
When the children arrived back after the summer break, we began as usual by settling the children into the routines of school, mixing with their friends and supporting them for weeks ahead.
In the fist week, children had the opportunity to share their thoughts on our class charter and what everyone could do to make sure we were embracing our school commitments of learning, feeling safe and respected. Each class also voted for two representatives for our school council who attend weekly meetings about how we can improve the school. The children created bookmarks, voted for their very own class book and thought about what aspirations they had for the upcoming year. Purple Class where also the lucky ones that began weekly swimming lessons every Thursday. Lilac Class will begin after Christmas and then Lavender Class finally after the Easter holidays. Each class swims for a full term each. We also found time for the children to show off their times tables knowledge, writing skills and relax with some mindfulness colouring.
The weeks are always jam-packed with lots of fun, hard-work and learning. Some highlights of the term so far are shared below from our children:
In music, the children have been using music from ABBA within their lessons.
"I love music - Mama Mia is stuck in my head - I sing it all the time."
We have been studying how Britain changed with the invasion of the Romans
"It has been so fascinating to learn about the Romans."
The children also mentioned how they love art and have continued with the wonderful art activities they did to celebrate Miss Ames.
"I love pointillism. I went home and made a garden and flowers. I also made daisy chains with my family!"
Maths and computing were another highlight so far - pretty much all the children spoke positively about it. In maths, we have been focusing on place value and addition. Computing, the children have continued with coding.
"I love maths. When I was in reception I felt like I didn't know much. Now as I move up the school I am learning more and more. It's interesting and fun!"
"Computing is just fun."
English has allowed us to use the Write Stuff to explore the video short of Feast. If you speak to any of the children, everyone will smile when they think of Winston and the journey he went on from being a lonely pup on the street to being part of a happy family with lots of food along the way. We then began our second text, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as well as an experience day of sweets and chocolate tasting.
"Are we reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory today?"
Breaks and lunchtimes have been noted as another particular highlight from the children, in particular the equipment from OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning) and more recently the weekly reading café on a Tuesday lunchtime.
"We love OPAL. There are so many things to play with."
"I also enjoy tidying up at the end!"
"The book café is wonderful. You can just go there and read and relax with your friends!"
Autumn 2
The children have had a fantastic end to the autumn term, and we can't wait to share with you what we have been doing.
First, we started with STEM Week which stands for science, technology, engineering and maths. One of our very first lessons was in the hall when the children worked in groups to recreate the process of digestion, from start to finish, with materials such as orange juice, tights and sponges. As you can see from the pictures below, there were a few shocks and looks of horror but they absolutely loved it!
"I loved getting hands on with this. I was able to answer some many questions and use so much scientific vocab!"
We continued STEM Week with creating our own pneumatics machines with the children putting their engineering skills to the test.
"I was so independent with my pneumatics machine - I loved it!"
The children also really enjoyed taking part in the pedestrian training. The learnt how to cross the road safely, what to look out and the difference between a pelican and a toucan crossing.
"Toucan is means two can as in two can cross - a pedestrian and a cyclist!"
Going forward, the children continued our unit on animals including humans in science. Now it was time for teeth and exploring the different types we have including their names, functions and appearance.
In PSHE, the children continued to think about our school values which this half-term was honesty. The children also discussed what things make us different: we discussed differences that you can see and differences you can't.
"I love our PSHE lessons - there is always an opportunity to share our own opinions with our class."
Throughout our RE lessons, the children have been looking at Islam and Christianity. We discussed the importance of ramadan to Muslims and the celebration of Eid as well as advent and what this means in the Christian calendar.
"I love learning about all the different religions in school. It is special that we have people in our class that can share their personal stories of these celebrations."
In history, we have continued to learn about the impact the Romans had our Britain. In a recent lesson, the children learnt about the wedge formation and it being of strategic importance for the Romans. We discussed how the children got a little too excited which led them to breaking their wedge formation...
"I loved this lesson. We were all in a wedge formation to start then broke off. I think we need some more practice!!"
Maths has continued to build on the children's understanding of number and place value as they understand what it means to multiply and divide whole numbers by 10 and 100. We also used known facts to answer questions.
"If I know that 5 x 3 = 15 then I know that 50 x 3 = 150. My number has got ten times bigger. I also know that if we multiply a whole number by 10, we add a zero e.g. 4 x 1 = 4 so 4 x 10 = 40."
In English, we finished our unit using the video stimulus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0Ml8nrBJmY to write a newspaper report. The children thought about things such as eyewitness reports, the 5ws headlines and strap lines.
"It was such a good stimulus for writing. It was a very emotive subject and got us thinking about plastic pollution and what we can do to improve this!"
A big part of the autumn term is Christmas. The children were fantastic during their performance, and we would like to thank everyone that came along once again for all of your support. The children were superb on the day and a credit to all. Year 4 also won the school echo Christmas decoration competition where we made Christmas decorations using cardboard and wool and made our own. We finished the week with making Christmas cards and watching the animated version of the Grinch.
"What an amazing time we have had. We loved the songs from our production so much we asked for them to be played again in class and danced along on the last day. We are also so proud of winning the echo Christmas competition as this is something that is really important to us!"
We want to wish all our families a wonderful Christmas and look forward to seeing you all in 2023!
Thank you
Year 4 Team
Spring 1
Wow - halfway through the school year already!! Year 4 have continued to be such a wonderful year group to teach each day. Let's see what we have been up to this half-term.
We started our unit on electricity in spring 1 and began with looking at static electricity. We investigated this through the use of balloons and rubbing and the children loved it! Try and ask your child to see if they can remember what static electricity is? Maybe they could demonstrate it with some balloons.
"The balloons are repelling each other because there is an imbalance of charge. This causes static electricity. Now I know what that little shock is you sometimes get!"
We then started to look at electricity - exploring the names of different components, creating electrical circuits and identifying electrical appliances that use batteries and mains electricity.
We also spent some time playing a number of different maths games including 24, Tricky T Shapes and pantomimes.
"Making 24 was great. At first, I was like I have no idea - now, as soon as I see two numbers, I am thinking how can I make a new number!"
The children continue to show some good progress with their English work. We used My Grandma and Me which follows a young girl and the loving relationship she has with her grandma. As part of one of their experience days the children tried dates - some for the first time.
"I wasn't sure about the date at first but I really enjoyed it. Everyone always says you should try new things more often."
The children have also been involved with so much other leering throughout this half-term. We have now finished our history unit on the Romans and how Britain changed as a result.
"When the Romans came, they brought Latin, roads and different types of buildings!"
In RE, we explored language and symbols in Hinduism and Buddhism such as the Dharmarchakra and the Lotus Flower.
"I loved when we had the chance to create our own lotus flowers after our lesson."
Stop! Bullying was the focus of our music unit this half-term. It shared a real strong message with the children about bullying and the understanding that we may have different families, skin colour, religions etc but we are all people.
"I loved this song. We also got an opportunity to write our own raps!"
During our French lessons we learnt the names of objects in the classroom in particular what you might find in your pencil case. Challenge your children - can they remember the French for a pencil case, pen, reading book etc. I wonder what they can remember...
" I really look forward to our French lessons - they're great fun!"
The children have worked incredibly hard this half-term as always! We look forward to the second part of the spring term.
Thank you,
Year 4
Spring 2
Wow, we have completed the spring term and two out of three. The children have continued to impress us with their hard work, care for each other and enthusiasm. There have been so many fantastic things happening this half-term including arts week and our cooking unit for DT.
The children have continued to enjoy PE lessons with all three classes taking part in weekly tennis sessions. The weather hasn't been kind to us, but the children have shown determination. Tennis is also a game that requires a number of skills and the children have shown perseverance week on week.
"I feel I have improved at tennis and can manage a rally with my partner. We got the nets out as well which really helped."
Times tables have been a big focus for us this half-term and the children are now completing a weekly sound checks on TTRS. The children seem to enjoy this and most come eagerly each week (sometimes more than once) to share their score and receive house points to keep up their motivation.
"My target is to try and get one more than last time. I am determined to get 25/25 and will keep going until I do. I know what times table I need to work on, so I practise this and then try to improve my sound check score!"
The children have also taken part in a number of great fundraising activities - these included Red Nose Day and an Easter Egg Mufti-Day to support local food banks this Easter. The children also loved to dress up as part of World Book Day
"Red nose day was awesome. We got to make our own red noses. We also had an assembly that morning with Mr Tibble who shared an orchestra version of the main Star Wars theme. When it finished, all children in Key Stage 2 applauded!"
"It is really important to support people in need. Bringing food for others makes me feel really proud!"
"World book day was fantastic. We got to create our own stories in a comic style as well as dress up linked to our favourite book, character or wear a hat - the choice was ours!"
We finished our English unit of the Iron Man which was a firm favourite amongst the children. We used the book, clips from the Iron Giant film and BBC Bitesize. When we paused the story at different plot points, it was always met with gasps and pleading to continue. The children then had the opportunity to write their own version about the Iron Woman who suddenly appears on our school field...
"We loved the Iron Man! Every time we wanted to hear or see a little more - the anticipation was so intense!"
In RE, we have been learning more about Christianity and Humanism. We discussed the ten commandments and acting them out for the rest of the class who had to identify which commandment it was. As it is Easter, we learnt about the death and resurrection of Jesus. Humanism also taught us that not some people do not follow a religion and people have the right to this belief.
"We had some fantastic discussion around the ten commandments and the links to other religions. We also learnt that someone who follows humanism is a humanist. They do not have a place of worship. It is not classed as a religion."
We can't leave the spring term without mentioning the wonderful work we did as part of Arts Week. It was based around Alice in Wonderland, and we worked all week, focusing purely on art. As always, the children got to create sketch books, had a visit from a storyteller, learn and performed a dance (Lilac class as part of their swimming lesson also). Each year group had a theme and ours was all around scale. We then looked at miniature artist Tatsuya Tanaka (you have to see his work!) who inspired us to create a small world inside a large tea cup made from modroc. The children created motifs for the outside of their design, and we finished the week off with a fantastic assembly showing all the children's fun, hard work and creativity for all to see. We hope you managed to come into school and see how our work fitted in with the whole theme of Alice in Wonderland.
"Arts week was amazing. I wish every week could be arts week. We had such a good time. Everything we did was just great, and I loved the theme!"
As always, the children have worked incredibly hard this term! We look forward to the final term together in year 4.
Thank you,
Year 4